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Tools & Resources

Preparation iDEAS

You can take the Enneagram here for $12.00. It takes approximately 30 minutes to take:

Light a candle and sit in mindfulness meditation for 5-minutes a day

Integration ideas


Integration = to make something whole again; to unify the parts of a whole back together; the assimilation of many things


  • Journal about your experience (1 day after) and continue to track insights and realizations

  • Share narrative about what happened out loud or to a supportive loved one

  • Spend at least 5 minutes a day in meditation (breathwork meditation, mindfulness meditation are recommended but if you have a particular type of meditation you prefer, please use it)

  • Focused body. If you noticed any areas of your body that you were holding energy, it is recommended to do bodywork focused in that area. Below are some options for bodywork:

    • Massage

    • Accupressure or Accupuncture

    • Craniosacral Therapy

    • Reiki

  • Authentic Movement (put on the playlist, close your eyes and dance!)

  • Use your voice to chant sounds to whatever emotion might be showing up for you

  • Spend time in all the earth elements:

    • Sunlight (15 minutes of direct sun)

    • Water (go into the ocean, make an essential oil bath (and add flowers from your garden if you have one!)

    • Air (Get outside and consciously breath fresh air)

    • Soil (Put feet in soil, sand, earth)

  • Eat grounding and healthy foods (root vegetables and proteins are great for this)

  • Ask (remind) yourself – What were my biggest take-aways and insights and what is ONE thing I can start doing in my life to start supporting that insight? 

    • Examples:

      • If you had an insight that you needed to take care of your physical body more, what is one thing you can do to start supporting that (be specific and measurable and commit) – yoga 1/x a week? Adding ¼ cup more vegetables into my diet each day?

      • If your insight was that you needed to let go of shame and blame and continue to live in bliss (purchase a book on how to continue to let go of shame and start reading it, commit to finding a practitioner that can help you focus on that, and/or commit to a gratitude practice 5 minutes a day to focus on the things that put you in bliss)

    • If you need help finding tangible resources to support your integration please reach out. 

  • Listening to the music playlists

  • Restorative yoga

  • Supplements: 5-HTP, Magnesium Glycinate, B-Vitamins


If you would like further Individual Integration Sessions please book here:

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